Our company - Müller-BBM Cert Umweltgutachter GmbH

Müller-BBM Cert Umweltgutachter GmbH is an independent certification and verification body for management systems, greenhouse gases and sustainability. We are an independent company within the Müller-BBM Group. The Müller-BBM Group and its subsidiaries stand for engineering services at the highest level.

For our customers we provide verification and certification services in the areas of environment, energy, climate protection, quality and occupational safety. Publicly accessible trainings on current topics in these areas and on the legal and normative regulations regarding these areas round off our services.

From our location in Kerpen near Cologne, we conduct the operative business primarily in Germany, the neighboring European countries and, to a lesser extent, in non-European countries – wherever our customers have their branches or subsidiaries.

We are active in many industries, have an interdisciplinary team from a wide variety of academic disciplines and benefit from a healthy mix of young and experienced people.

Through our work in various national standardization committees and professional associations, we actively work for practical requirements and regulations that are inspired from our assessment and auditing experience.

We base on operational practice and carry out our assessments and auditing procedures with reason and a high level of competence.

Stairway entrance MBBM-Cert

Our strengths at a glance:

Our team is…

  • competent and independent.
  • experienced and practical.
  • working with integrity and honesty.
  • always up-to-date through our participation in committees and associations.

  • accredited quality and stand for individual, punctual services: We do not do bulk business.
  • personal contacts for every service.


Certification Fundamentals

Verification Fundamentals
