Environmental verifier - more than just an assessor
An expert or an verifier is a natural person or an authority with recognized expertise in a certain specialist area. Environmental verifiers are natural or legal persons who validate environmental declarations according to the European Eco-Audit System (EMAS) on the basis of the german Environmental Audit Act (UAG). Due to their personal and professional qualifications, environmental verifiers can also be assigned expert and assessment activities in a semi-sovereign function in many other areas of environmental law.
This makes environmental verifiers reliable, independent and competent partners for companies when it comes to “legal compliance” in environmental law.

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EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is a voluntary European community system for …

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The approval as an environmental verifier is provided by the German Accreditation and Licensing Society for Environmental Verifiers mbH (DAU)for specific sectors – after passing specialist examinations. The classification of the branches and areas of approval for environmental verifiers corresponds to the statistical systematics of the economic branches in the European Union (NACE codes Rev. 2). According to their specific approvals by DAU, environmental verifiers can offer the following certification services:
Validation of environmental declarations according to EMAS-VO
Certification of environmental management systems according to DIN EN ISO 14001
Certification of energy management systems according to DIN EN ISO 50001
In the course of the amendment of the EMAS regulation in 2017 and the German Environmental Audit Act in December 2019, an additional option was created for the validation of sustainable development and sustainable corporate governance within the framework of EMAS.
Environmental reports and expert
- Testing according to the Packaging Act (VerpackG)
- Certifications according to the Altfahrzeuggesetz (AltfahrzeugG)
- Certifications according to the Waste Management Company Ordinance (EfbV)
- Certifications according to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV)
- Certifications according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
- Certifications according to the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (BioSt-NachV)
- Certifications according to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG)
- System monitoring according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)
- Expert activity in environmental impact assessments (UVPG)
- Expert activity for permit applications according to BImSchG
Requirements for personal and professional qualifications
The requirements for the personal and professional qualifications of environmental verifiers are regulated in both the UAG and the EMAS regulation. What does that mean exactly? Environmental verifiers are particularly characterized by:
- Reliability based on personal characteristics, behavior and abilities,
- Independence – without economic, financial or organizational dependencies – objectively and free of instructions,
- Expertise through vocational training, practical experience as well as industry-specific and legal expertise.
Our services
Environmental expert and managing director Dr. Stefan Bräker offers the following activities for you:
Validations according to EMAS regulation
Validation of environmental declarations according to the EMAS regulation
Certification of environmental management systems according to DIN EN ISO 14001 (DAU)
Certification of energy management systems according to DIN EN ISO 50001 (DAU)
Environmental report according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
- Landscape maintenance bonus, liquid manure bonus, CHP bonus
- Flexibility bonus
- Certificates of proof of origin
System monitoring according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)
» Certifications according to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV)
Certifications according to the Airport Carbon Accreditation Scheme
Dr. Stefan Bräker is also a member of the environmental expert committee at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), where he represents the interests of environmental experts.
He is authorized to work in the following branches of industry:
08.1 Extraction of natural stones, gravel, sand, clay and kaolin
09.9 Provision of services for the production of oil and natural gas
10.3 Fruit and vegetable processing
10.4 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
10.5 Milk processing
10.6 Grinding and peeling mills, manufacture of starch and starch products
10.7 Manufacture of baked goods and pasta
10.81 Manufacture of sugar
10.9 Manufacture of animal feed
11 Beverage production
17 Manufacture of paper, cardboard and goods
18.1 Production of printed matter
22.2 Manufacture of plastic goods
23.1 Manufacture of glass and glassware
23.2 Manufacture of refractory ceramic materials and goods
23.3 Manufacture of ceramic building materials
23.4 Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
24.1 Manufacture of pig iron, steel and ferro-alloys
24.2 Manufacture of steel pipes, pipe fittings, pipe closure and pipe connectors made of steel 24.3 Other first processing of iron and steel
24.46 Processing of nuclear fuel
24:51 Iron foundries
25.1 Steel and light metal construction
25.2 Manufacture of metal tanks and containers; Manufacture of radiators and boilers for central heating
25.3 Manufacture of steam boilers (excluding central heating boilers)
25.5 Manufacture of forged, pressed, drawn and stamped parts, rolled rings and powder metallurgical products
25.6 Surface finishing and heat treatment; Mechanics
25.7 Manufacture of cutlery, tools, locks and fittings made of base metal
25.9 Manufacture of other metal goods
28 Mechanical engineering
28.12 Manufacture of hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems
28.13 Manufacture of pumps and compressors nec 28.14 Manufacture of valves nec
28.15 Manufacture of bearings, gears, gears and drive elements
28.2 Manufacture of other non-industry-specific machines
28.3 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
28.4 Manufacture of machine tools
28.91 Manufacture of metal-working machinery, rolling mill equipment and casting machines
28.93 Manufacture of machines for the production of food and beverages and tobacco processing
28.94 Manufacture of machines for textile, clothing and leather processing
28.95 Manufacture of machines for making and converting paper
28.96 Manufacture of machines for processing plastics and rubber
28.99 Manufacture of machines for other specific branches of industry nec
29.1 Manufacture of motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines
29.2 Manufacture of bodies, superstructures and trailers
29.32 Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles
30.2 Rail vehicle construction
30.3 Aircraft and spacecraft construction
30.91 Manufacture of motorcycles
32.99 Manufacture of other products nec
33.11 Repair of metal products
33.12 Repair of machinery
33.2 Installation of machines and equipment nec
35.11.6 Electricity generation from renewable energies (e.g. wind, biomass, solar and geothermal energy) with and without external procurement for distribution
35.11.7 Electricity generation from hydropower with and without external procurement for distribution
35.11.8 Electricity generation from thermal power (without nuclear energy) with and without external procurement for distribution
35.11.9 Electricity generation from nuclear energy with and without external procurement for distribution
45.20.4 Maintenance and repair of vehicles with a total weight of 3.5 t or less (without painting and car washing)
49 Land transport and transport in pipelines
51.1 Passenger transport in aviation
51.21 Freight transport in aviation
52.21 Provision of other land transport services
52.21.9 Provision of other land transport services nec
52.22 Provision of other shipping services
52.23 Provision of other aviation services
52.29.1 Forwarding agency
79.9 Provision of Other Reservation Services
93.29 Entertainment and recreation services nec